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Le proprietà cataforiche del pronome dimostrativo invariabile questo

Publication date: 07.11.2017

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 17 (2017), Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 75 - 88



Izabela Anna Szantyka
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Le proprietà cataforiche del pronome dimostrativo invariabile questo


The cataphoric feautres of the demonstrative neuter pronoun questo
The aim of the present paper is to examine the cataphoric uses mediated by the Italian demonstrative neuter pronoun questo in order to define the typology of these uses, observe and measure its cataphoric properties and potential and also to determine in intralinguistic perspective the most productive demonstrative form in cataphora, by comparing the analyzed proximal with its corresponding distal in Italian. In terms of general methodological and theoretical network, we discuss the multifunctionality of demonstratives as context-sensible unities of language and we present a summarised description of the cataphora conceived as an independent and complementary cohesive relation to anaphora, conforming to the theories of Marek Kęsik. As for typological analyses, we have recourse to the theories proposed by Kęsik and Michel Maillard for the purpose of distinguishing and describing cataphoric relations according to the following criteria: 1) complusory or optional nature of cataphoric reference, on the basis of which cataphoras in the strict and in the wide sense (or pseudocataphoras), respectively, can be discriminated; 2) form of cataphoric expression, in accordance to which morphematic cataphoras, realized by explicit pronominal form, and zero cataphoras, mediated by implicit pronominal form, can be discerned; 3) field of relation, i.e. the form of cotext, in conformity to which segmental and resumptive cataphoras can be distinguished; 4) scope, in other words the textual space covered by the cataphoric relation, which can be included within or surpass the sentence limit in intraphrastic and transphrastic cataphoras respectively; 5) manner of referent identification, direct or indirect, according to which we can differentiate between metalinguistic and cognitive cataphoras respectively. 
Our analyses, carried out on 135 occurrences of the Italian neuter proximal form, are based on the linguistic material extracted from NUNC (NewsGroup UseNet Corpora) corpora, mapped out by the University of Turin researchers and reflecting, first and foremost, evolutionary tendencies observable in written/spoken Italian used in discussion groups of the global network. The observations proposed here are enriched with quantitative and qualitative statistics of textual uses, including not only cataphoric, but also anaphoric, ana-deictic and ana-cataphoric uses, referring to the analyzed demonstrative form, prepared in order to draw conclusions about its peculiar functions and with the aim to discover in which differential form (proximal questo vs. distal quello) the preponderance of cataphoric uses can be remarked. 


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Information: Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 17 (2017), Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 75 - 88

Article type: Original article



Le proprietà cataforiche del pronome dimostrativo invariabile questo


Le proprietà cataforiche del pronome dimostrativo invariabile questo

Published at: 07.11.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Izabela Anna Szantyka (Author) - 100%

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