L’Âme en folie by François de Curel: In search of a new dramatic paradigm
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEL’Âme en folie de François de Curel : à la recherche d’un nouveau paradigme dramatique
Publication date: 12.2020
Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 20 (2020), Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 199 - 205
L’Âme en folie de François de Curel : à la recherche d’un nouveau paradigme dramatique
L’Âme en folie by François de Curel: In search of a new dramatic paradigm
The author of the article studies Curel’s play, which testifies to the crisis of traditional drama, announced at the turn of the 20th century. Curel seems to destroy the canonical form of “drama-in-life”, based on a dramatic progression of the action and on the character as an active agent ensuring this same progression, by proposing a new paradigm of “drama-of-life”. The latter moves away from classic prerogatives to focus on the inner life of the protagonist. Instead of focusing on episodes that inevitably lead to disaster, the French writer attempts to embrace the evolution of the characters’ souls. This is how he passes from “agonistic drama” to an “ontological” one.
Antoine André-Paul, 1951, Visages d’hier et d’aujourd’hui : de Curel à Porto-Riche, La Revue des Deux Mondes 24 : 714–729.
Baudouin-Bugnet Maurice, 1925, François de Curel Lorrain, Mémoires de l’Académie Nationale de Metz, Metz : Imprimerie Lorraine.
Curel François de, 1922, L’Âme en folie, Paris : Éditions Georges Crès et Cie.
Garcin-Marrou Flore, 2013, Le drame émancipé, Études théâtrales 56–57 : 171–181.
Gillet Louis, 1928, François de Curel, Le Gaulois.
Mauriac François, 1920, Courrier théâtral, La Revue Hebdomadaire 4.
Sarrazac Jean-Pierre, 2007, La reprise (réponse au postdramatique), Études théâtrales 56–57 : 7–18.
Sarrazac Jean-Pierre, 2012, Poétique du drame moderne. De Henrik Ibsen à Bernard-Marie Koltès, Paris : Éditions du Seuil.
Schuyler William M., 1942, The Genesis and Evolution of Curel’s L’Âme en folie, Modern Philology 3(39) : 295–302.
Sée Edmond, 1928, Le théâtre français contemporain, Paris : Armand Colin.
Strindberg August, 1964, Théâtre cruel et théâtre mystique, M. Diehl (trad.), Paris : Gallimard.
Information: Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 20 (2020), Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 199 - 205
Article type: Original article
L’Âme en folie de François de Curel : à la recherche d’un nouveau paradigme dramatique
L’Âme en folie by François de Curel: In search of a new dramatic paradigm
University of Lodz
ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź, Poland
Published at: 12.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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