Narracje migane. O formach twórczości językowej g/Głuchych

Publication date: 2014

Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2014, Issue 2 (20) , pp. 178 - 199



Magdalena Zdrodowska
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Kraków
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4421-8963 Orcid
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Narracje migane. O formach twórczości językowej g/Głuchych


The article is devoted to the signed narratives created by the deaf communities and presents the attempt of genology of sign narratives they are divided into: deaf-lore (storytelling), cinematographic stories, signed songs and stories with constraints (e.g. ABC or number stories). The main corpus of artwork described and analyzed in the article is signed in American Sign Language, but author tried to take into consideration Polish Sign Language works as well. Apart from the genres and types of the signed narratives author tries to place them in a broader context. Most important is the doubt whether deaf narratives may be considered literature at all, as they do not use words and letters in traditional way. The influence of the moving picture technology is also considered as a powerful boost to the signed narratives.



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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2014, Issue 2 (20) , pp. 178 - 199

Article type: Original article



Narracje migane. O formach twórczości językowej g/Głuchych


Signed narratives: Deaf art forms



Magdalena Zdrodowska
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Kraków
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4421-8963 Orcid
All publications →

Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Kraków

Published at: 2014

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Magdalena Zdrodowska (Author) - 100%

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View count: 3200

Number of downloads: 2371

<p> Signed narratives: Deaf art forms</p>