Konstrukcje miejskości w projektach artystycznych Daniela Burena

Publication date: 04.04.2018

Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2018, Issue 1 (35), pp. 18 - 32



Jakub Robaszkiewicz
All publications →


Konstrukcje miejskości w projektach artystycznych Daniela Burena


 Constructing the urban in the work of Daniel Buren
This article attempts to analyze two Daniel Buren’s artworks highlighting their intrinsic relations with urban space in order to show up, through meticulous research of the mise-en-scènes established by conglomerates of each artwork itself and urban surroundings, their basic presumptions relating to the spatio-cultural structure of the city. The author inquires about the urban ontology which underlies the Buren’s discursive postulate of activation of the eventness of place by his artistic interventions. From the investigation of the visual performance of Buren’s artworks arises also the issue of the function of the pictorial surface in relation to the three-dimensionality of the urban.


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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2018, Issue 1 (35), pp. 18 - 32

Article type: Original article



Konstrukcje miejskości w projektach artystycznych Daniela Burena


Konstrukcje miejskości w projektach artystycznych Daniela Burena

Published at: 04.04.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Jakub Robaszkiewicz (Author) - 100%

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