Audio-soma-wizualność. Ciało w relacji z obiektem audiowizualnym

Publication date: 30.06.2017

Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2017, Issue 1 (31), pp. 20 - 34



Konrad Sierzputowski
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Wydział Polonistyki, Gołębia 16, 30-001 Kraków
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Audio-soma-wizualność. Ciało w relacji z obiektem audiowizualnym


Audio-soma-visuality. Body in relation with audio-visual object

Dichotomy between visual and acoustic culture is fiction and as a result of that thinking, we can find concept of neutral audio-visuality – idea which is bonding the two semantic fields: audio and visual. Unfortunately, this idea is only an illusion than actual practice. An attempt to analyze the experience of only one perspective pictorial or sound, is only epistemic misapprehension. Contemporary artists prove us how complex is this experience and how to continually moved the boundary between what is visual, what is only audio and what kind of utopia can be audio-visuality. Their projects hit directly in the monumental division between where located is body, sound and images in our experience. Musicians such as Peter Ablinger (Deus Cantando), Dmitry Morozov (Reading My Body), or artistic group Pendulum Choir are best examples of new kind of audio-
-soma-visality experiments. Their musical projects and objects involves perceptual and bodily sensations, thereby opening classically understood sensorium to a whole new dimension of experience. They put body as a figure that is necessary to bond and fill the gap between the language of sounds and language of images.


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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2017, Issue 1 (31), pp. 20 - 34

Article type: Original article



Audio-soma-wizualność. Ciało w relacji z obiektem audiowizualnym


Audio-soma-visuality. Body in relation with audio-visual object


Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Wydział Polonistyki, Gołębia 16, 30-001 Kraków

Published at: 30.06.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Konrad Sierzputowski (Author) - 100%

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