Anticipation and Imagination. Textual Visions of the “Future Poland”
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAntycypacja i wyobraźnia. Tekstowa „przyszła Polska”
Publication date: 03.2023
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2023, Issue 1 (55) Kulturowe emancypacje i transgresje, pp. 84 - 100
Antycypacja i wyobraźnia. Tekstowa „przyszła Polska”
The starting point of the article is an analysis of the volume PL +50 (2004), edited by Jacek Dukaj and the short stories by Łukasz Orbitowski: Nadchodzi and Popiel Armeńczyk (2017). The interpretation of those alternate stories is used as a point of departure for posing a broader question regarding the social and cultural functions of constructing a coherent imaginations regarding the future. Particular attention is paid to the dominance of negative visions of the future and the dangers of describing what is yet to come in overly optimistic colors. The article combines the methodology arising from the analysis of alternative histories, affect studies and memory studies to indicate that theory of premediation (Richard Grusin, 2010) can be especially useful in order to explain the positive social impact of negative visions of the future. Premediating threatening future can be – as indicated for example by B. Hirst and M. Topcu – the first step towards improving the present.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2023, Issue 1 (55) Kulturowe emancypacje i transgresje, pp. 84 - 100
Article type: Original article
Antycypacja i wyobraźnia. Tekstowa „przyszła Polska”
Anticipation and Imagination. Textual Visions of the “Future Poland”
Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Published at: 03.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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