‘Jigsaw fit’ analysis: The key to solving difficult forensic cases

Publication date: 29.12.2022

Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2022, 130-131, pp. 135-144



Maciej Świętek
Institute of Forensic Research, Kraków, Poland
All publications →


‘Jigsaw fit’ analysis: The key to solving difficult forensic cases


This paper presents ‘jigsaw fit’ analysis, which is an aspect of mechanoscopy (tool mark examination) helpful in solving difficult forensic cases. Its use can lead to categorical conclusions in the reconstruction of the course of an incident. Examinations of this kind entail the matching of items separated due to breakage, fracture or tearing. The task of an expert in this field is to resolve the question of whether or not the items belonged together before they were separated. This paper describes three examples of cases involving ‘jigsaw fits’.


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Information: Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2022, 130-131, pp. 135-144

Article type: Original article



‘Jigsaw fit’ analysis: The key to solving difficult forensic cases

Polish: „Złożenie na całość” kluczem do rozwiązania trudnych spraw kryminalistycznych


Institute of Forensic Research, Kraków, Poland

Published at: 29.12.2022

Received at: 12.08.2022

Accepted at: 05.09.2022

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Maciej Świętek (Author) - 100%

Article corrections:


Publication languages:

English, Polish

Suggested citations: Vancouver

Świętek M. ‘Jigsaw fit’ analysis: The key to solving difficult forensic cases. Problems of Forensic Sciences. 2022;2022 (130-131): 135-144