False opinion or false alarm? About the criminal liability of an expert for giving a false opinion
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEFalse opinion or false alarm? About the criminal liability of an expert for giving a false opinion
Publication date: 26.03.2024
Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2023, 135, pp. 175 - 187
False opinion or false alarm? About the criminal liability of an expert for giving a false opinion
This article aims to address the significance of the problem regarding the issuance of false expert opinions in practice. This issue is of great importance and considerably consequential for the public opinion. An expert opinion that is unfavorable to a party often raises suspicions of bribery and manipulation. However, not every litigant’s dissatisfaction necessarily implies a criminal offense. This article highlights the magnitude of the problem of false expert opinions in the Polish justice system and the consequential effects associated with it.
In the preparation of the article, a review of domestic and international literature and an analysis of criminal case files on the offence of Article 233 § 4 of the Penal Code were used. The results of the research show that the issue of the crime of issuing a false opinion by an expert has not yet received a comprehensive analysis in the domestic and international literature. The number of criminal cases concerning the issuance of a false opinion by an expert is not significant. Courts usually acquit defendants of this offence which may mean that it is difficult to prove in practice. However, the problem is not as high profile as it presents itself to the public. The results of the research can be used to supplement theoretical considerations of the issue. The results can also be used by practitioners to introduce changes to increase the effectiveness of prosecuting the perpetrators of these crimes or to analyse legislative changes.
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Information: Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2023, 135, pp. 175 - 187
Article type: Original article
False opinion or false alarm? About the criminal liability of an expert for giving a false opinion
False opinion or false alarm? About the criminal liability of an expert for giving a false opinion
Faculty of Law and Administration, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Św. Marcin 90 61-714 Poznań, Poland
Published at: 26.03.2024
Received at: 08.08.2023
Accepted at: 26.10.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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English, PolishView count: 254
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