Thermal conditions of the formation and persistence of ice cover on the River Noteć
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEUwarunkowania termiczne tworzenia się i utrzymywania pokrywy lodowej na Noteci
Publication date: 09.07.2018
Geographical Studies, 2018, Issue 153, pp. 25 - 47
Uwarunkowania termiczne tworzenia się i utrzymywania pokrywy lodowej na Noteci
Thermal conditions of the formation and persistence of ice cover on the River Noteć
The article presents the results of an analysis of the impact of cumulated series of negative air temperatures (cumulated degree-days) on the formation and persistence of the permanent ice cover on the River Noteć in the period 1987–2013. When assessing ice phenomena, use was made of observations conducted over 24-hour periods at four IMGW-PIB stations located along the River Noteć: Pakość (upper section), Ujście and Krzyż Wielkopolski (middle section) and Nowe Drezdenko (lower section). The authors determined the nature of the distribution of negative series and 24-hour air temperatures in terms of their duration, increase and distribution in years and months, using data from the Piła meteorological station. The primary objective was to specify the threshold values of cumulated degree-days at which the permanent ice cover starts to appear on the river, and the conditions under which this phenomenon is accelerated. When determining the strength of the relation between cumulated degree-days and the probability of appearance of an ice cover, use was made of the logistic regression model. Research showed that in the majority of instances ice cover appeared on the river at values of cumulated degree-days greater than: –16°C in Pakość, –21°C in Ujście and Krzyż Wielkopolski, and –73.5°C in Nowe Drezdenko. During the analysed period, 306 negative air temperature series occurred in the studief catchment area, with those lasting 5–10 days (76 of all instances) being predominant. As regards the River Noteć in Pakość, the logistic regression model confirmed that, on average, a one-degree increase in the value of cumulated degree-days is associated with an increase in the probability of appearance of the permanent ice cover of approximately 2.10%, of approximately 1.17% in Ujście, of 2.72% in Krzyż Wielkopolski, and of approximately 5.70% in Nowe Drezdenko. The more rapid the increase in cumulated series of negative air temperatures, the greater the probability of ice cover appearing and persisting on the River Noteć. The analysis pointed to the usefulness of the cumulated degree-days factor for predicting the appearance of ice cover on the river. The results obtained are significant for maintaining the economic and ecological function of the River Noteć. Information about the icing of the river has a practical dimension, among others as concerns identifying and minimising hazards connected with the occurrence of jams and ice-jam floods, which bring about enormous economic losses and constitute a threat to human life.
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Information: Geographical Studies, 2018, Issue 153, pp. 25 - 47
Article type: Original article
Uwarunkowania termiczne tworzenia się i utrzymywania pokrywy lodowej na Noteci
Thermal conditions of the formation and persistence of ice cover on the River Noteć
Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University, ul. Dzięgielowa 27, 61-680 Poznań
Published at: 09.07.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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