The link between the popularity of cremation in the Czech Republic and religious faith
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe link between the popularity of cremation in the Czech Republic and religious faith
Publication date: 23.07.2014
Geographical Studies, 2014, Issue 137, pp. 69 - 90
The link between the popularity of cremation in the Czech Republic and religious faith
In the last one hundred years, Czech lands and Europe in general have witnessed a significant change in burial culture. In some countries, cremation has evolved into a dominant method of human burial, but Europe is highly differentiated in this respect despite its common Christian tradition. Does this change in burial culture reflect changes in religiosity? The largely secular Czechia ranks first in the practice of cremation not only in Europe but also worldwide. This paper discusses changes in burial methods in Europe, which are a reflection of socio-political processes that ultimately lead to more frequent cremation, and the role of cremation in religion is also discussed. One of the aims of the paper is to stimulate the geographer’s/reader’s interest in the subject of death and burial, which are issues that remain on the margins of world geography, and yet say so much about the cultural development of our society.
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Information: Geographical Studies, 2014, Issue 137, pp. 69 - 90
Article type: Original article
The link between the popularity of cremation in the Czech Republic and religious faith
The link between the popularity of cremation in the Czech Republic and religious faith
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University, Albertov 6, CZ-12843 Prague 2, Czechia
Published at: 23.07.2014
Article status: Open
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