Strategie waloryzacji Tauromachii  jako dziedzictwa kulturowego w Hiszpanii

Publication date: 2015

Ethnographies, 2015, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp. 25 - 38



Verónica De Haro De San Mateo
Universidad de Murcia; Campus Universitario de Espinardo, s/n, 30100 Espinardo, Murcia, Hiszpania
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Magdalena Ziółkowska-Kuflińska
Adam Mickiewicz University, Instytute of Socjology, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89, 60-568 Poznań, Poland
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Strategie waloryzacji Tauromachii  jako dziedzictwa kulturowego w Hiszpanii


Valorization Strategies of the bullfight as the cultural heritage of Spain

The recent controversial decision of the Parliament of Catalonia to prohibit bullfighting in Barcelona and increasingly frequent pro animal rights demonstrations have caused the reaction of fans and professional bullfighters in Spain. In an unprecedented mobilization, this group is developing strategies for recovery of bullfighting designed to preserve what he considers an art form, a cultural and ecological heritage and to a driver of the national economy.

Fostering a Popular Legislative Initiative pro taurine has been the trigger for a series of measures that have managed to give some legal protection for Fiesta. One is the approval of the Law for the regulation of bullfighting Cultural Heritage (adopted by the Committee on Culture of the Congress of Deputies on October 2, 2013 and subsequently ratified by the Senate) and another commissioning – by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain – a national strategic plan for the promotion and protection. This work aims to highlight strategies for recovery of the bullfighting, currently being developed in Spain in order to reflect on the nature of this tradition.


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Information: Ethnographies, 2015, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp. 25 - 38

Article type: Original article



Strategie waloryzacji Tauromachii  jako dziedzictwa kulturowego w Hiszpanii


Valorization Strategies of the bullfight as the cultural heritage of Spain


Universidad de Murcia; Campus Universitario de Espinardo, s/n, 30100 Espinardo, Murcia, Hiszpania

Adam Mickiewicz University, Instytute of Socjology, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89, 60-568 Poznań, Poland

Published at: 2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Verónica De Haro De San Mateo (Author) - 50%
Magdalena Ziółkowska-Kuflińska (Author) - 50%

Article corrections:


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