Media na wsi podhalańskiej. Wyniki badań etnograficznych

Publication date: 25.05.2015

Ethnographies, 2014, Volume 42, Issue 4, pp. 319 - 333



Anna Malewska-Szałygin
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of University of Warsaw, ul. Żurawia 4 00-503 Warsaw
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Media na wsi podhalańskiej. Wyniki badań etnograficznych


Media in the rural Podhale. The results of an ethnographic research.

This article relates the preliminary results of a research performed as a part of the project Ethnography of Media Audience and Local Common Sense conducted in years 2012–2014 by the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Warsaw University. The introductory part briefly presents previous ethnographic researches concerning reception of media, realized in Poland and other countries as well as basic theoretical assumptions explained in relation to the literature of the subject. The results presented in this paper pertain to the specifics of conversations in the rural areas of Podhale and their subjects in relations to media: the influence of movies, TV series and advertisements on the construction of contemporary Podhalan identity, local means of Internet usage and associated with it dangers and opportunities. The concluding summary concerns: local ways of verifying the media coverage through confrontation with everyday life experience; transformation of the media coverage through previously acquired common knowledge; reinforcement of regional stereotypes by the media; fortification of the Internet as a technology that creates new means of earning money and heavily divides the already existing age groups.



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Information: Ethnographies, 2014, Volume 42, Issue 4, pp. 319 - 333

Article type: Original article



Media na wsi podhalańskiej. Wyniki badań etnograficznych


Media in the rural Pohale. The results of an ethnographic research


Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of University of Warsaw, ul. Żurawia 4 00-503 Warsaw

Published at: 25.05.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Anna Malewska-Szałygin (Author) - 100%

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