The State, the Church, and the Demarcations of the Occult in Serbia
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe State, the Church, and the Demarcations of the Occult in Serbia
Publication date: 05.2023
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2023, 17 (1/2023), pp. 159-176
The State, the Church, and the Demarcations of the Occult in Serbia
The paper examines the complex social dynamics of publicly articulated attitudes toward esotericism in present-day Serbia within the last three decades of its history. The focus of my analysis is twofold: the changing attitude of the State towards esotericism, and the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in shaping its public perception. I am interested in the ways the Church articulates its impact on the State and the public and how it delineates the phenomenon of the occult as a menacing Other, a threat to the traditional Orthodox Christian and national values posed by the processes of globalization and liberalization. I argue that, in some of its aspects, public discourse on esotericism in Serbia is dominated by an exclusivist, anti-modernist, and totalizing approach that views all the alternative forms of spirituality as harmful and potentially dangerous. The paper, thus, contributes to a better understanding of the complex web of interactions between the Church, the State, and the public concerning the phenomenon of the occult.
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Information: The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2023, 17 (1/2023), pp. 159-176
Article type: Original article
The State, the Church, and the Demarcations of the Occult in Serbia
The State, the Church, and the Demarcations of the Occult in Serbia
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Published at: 05.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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