The Esoteric Background of Yugoslav Messianism
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Esoteric Background of Yugoslav Messianism
Publication date: 31.05.2023
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2023, 17 (1/2023), pp. 69-84
The Esoteric Background of Yugoslav Messianism
Panhumanism was an intellectual movement in interwar Serbian culture that encompassed the idea of Yugoslav messianism. After research based on the archive material of the New Atlantis, we show that the circle of panhumanists from what was essentially the Serbian branch of network of esotericist Dimitrije Mitirnović. Apart from the work on spreading the ideas of Mitrinović, this circle was devoted to occult practices, also under the leadership of a teacher from London.
NAF. University of Bradford, JB Priestley Library, Special Collections. New Atlantis Foundation.
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Information: The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2023, 17 (1/2023), pp. 69-84
Article type: Original article
The Esoteric Background of Yugoslav Messianism
The Esoteric Background of Yugoslav Messianism
University of Belgrade
Published at: 31.05.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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