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O zmysłowych przygodach w ASMR z perspektywy posthumanizmu

Publication date: 12.2019

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2019, 10 (2/2019), pp. 75-90



Joanna Łapińska
Universität Wien, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Wien, Austria
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6634-1778 Orcid
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About Sensory Adventures in ASMR from the Perspective of Posthumanism


In the article, the author discusses a new cultural phenomenon known as ASMR, in particular its interest in multi-sensuality, in a posthuman perspective related to the non-hierarchical nature of human senses. The text analyzes selected ASMR videos published on the YouTube website, focusing on ways to show different sensory impressions (connected with images, sounds, haptics, aromas, flavours), putting forward the thesis that ASMR practices promote posthuman type of sensitivity and encourage the production of alternative modes of experiencing the world. 


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Information: The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2019, 10 (2/2019), pp. 75-90

Article type: Original article


About Sensory Adventures in ASMR from the Perspective of Posthumanism

O zmysłowych przygodach w ASMR z perspektywy posthumanizmu



Joanna Łapińska
Universität Wien, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Wien, Austria
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6634-1778 Orcid
All publications →

Universität Wien, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Wien, Austria

Published at: 12.2019

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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Joanna Łapińska (Author) - 100%

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