The significance of environmental protection in the activities of natural history museums in Poland - the findings of sociological research

Publication date: 01.07.2017

Opuscula Musealia, Volume 24 (2016), Volume 24, pp. 127 - 141



Karolina Cynk
University of Rzeszow, Aleja Rejtana 16c 35-959 Rzeszów, Poloand
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Znaczenie ochrony środowiska w działalności muzeów przyrodniczych w Polsce - wnioski z badań socjologicznych


The significance of environmental protection in the activities of natural
history museums in Poland – the findings of sociological research
The paper presents the findings of the sociological research that was carried out by the author in February 2017. The objective of the project was to find about the role and significance of environmental protection in the activities of Polish natural history museums. The first part of the paper contains theoretical introduction into the condition of natural environment in Poland, defines the term of a “museum”, and provides descriptions of the operating principles of natural history museums. The second part, on the other hand, presents the techniques employed in the research, i.e. a web-based survey addressed to the employees of museums, as well as the available material in the form of information contained on museum websites. Given the premises of the grounded theory, the collected material was subjected to qualitative analysis. As a result, the author rejected the proposed working hypothesis which assumed that the employees of museums more frequently admitted that there were some obstacles in the performance of nature-friendly activities than that there were none. Additionally, in cases where barriers were indeed found, the analysis showed that their sources originated in deeper structures, and to overcome them would require multilateral cooperation of institutions that deal with environmental protection.


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Information: Opuscula Musealia, Volume 24 (2016), Volume 24, pp. 127 - 141

Article type: Original article



Znaczenie ochrony środowiska w działalności muzeów przyrodniczych w Polsce - wnioski z badań socjologicznych


The significance of environmental protection in the activities of natural history museums in Poland - the findings of sociological research


University of Rzeszow, Aleja Rejtana 16c 35-959 Rzeszów, Poloand

Published at: 01.07.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Karolina Cynk (Author) - 100%

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