Guidelines for military pharmacists in times of war based on the War Sanitary Regulations of 1908
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEModern medicine, 2024, Volume 30 (2024) Issue 1, pp. 133-163
Wytyczne dla aptekarzy wojskowych na czas wojny w oparciu o Wojenny Regulamin Sanitarny z 1908 roku
Military pharmacists in the German Empire belonged to the sanitary service corps subordinated to the Ministry of War (Kriegsministerium). In the army, the highest rank was the senior staff pharmacist, other military pharmacists were divided into: pharmacists - one-year volunteers, staff pharmacists and corps staff pharmacists. The subject of this study are “Guidelines for military pharmacists. 100 important questions [prepared] on the basis of the War Sanitary Regulations” (Für Militär- Apotheker. 100 wichtige Fragen und Antworten aus der Kriegs-Sanitäts-Ordnung) collected by staff pharmacist Robert Droste. They were a hundred-point extract from the War Sanitary Regulations (1907), which were in force during World War I. The compendium was intended to make it easier for the addressees of the study – military pharmacists on the battlefield and in the rear of military operations – to quickly understand the regulations in the field of, among others: 1. administering and managing the military sanitary service during the war (including military pharmacists), 2. creating and equipping field pharmacies, or 3. preparing current documentation. Although the guidelines were prepared by a military pharmacist, they did not have the status of an official document because they were not issued by the military authorities.
Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, V 10 a, Sanitätsordnung, Rapportund Meldewesen, Sanitätsberichte, Kriegs-Sanitätsordnung mit Sachverzeichnis (1907, Neudruck 1914); Anlagen zur Kriegs-Sanitätsordnung (1908, Neudruck 1914).
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Information: Modern medicine, 2024, Volume 30 (2024) Issue 1, pp. 133-163
Article type: Original article
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