The healing plants of the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth in the works of Jean-Emmanuel Gilibert (1741–1814) – a few reflections on phytotherapy in Exercitia Phytologica
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERośliny lecznicze Rzeczypospolitej w pracach Jeana-Emmanuela Giliberta (1741–1814) – kilka refleksji na temat fitoterapii w Exercitia phytologica
Publication date: 09.2023
Modern medicine, 2023, Volume 29 (2023) Issue 1, pp. 335-342
Rośliny lecznicze Rzeczypospolitej w pracach Jeana-Emmanuela Giliberta (1741–1814) – kilka refleksji na temat fitoterapii w Exercitia phytologica
J.-E. Gilibert spent eight years (1775–1783), in the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth. In Grodno, he created a medical school and the first natural history cabinet, botanical gardens in Horodnica and Vilnius, he was a professor of botany, pharmacy and natural history in Vilnius (1781). Supporter of the classification system of Carl Linnaeus, Gilibert was the author of the first of Lithuanian flora Flora Lituanica Inchoata and some others publications dedicated to Lithuanian plants. Gilibert was not only a taxonomist and florist but also the author of a biogeographic (comparison of Lithuanian and Lyon vegetation) or ecological concepts (disparition and the appearance of species or the concept of the primary forest). In the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth he was also interested with diseases and organization of healthcare. In 1790 he published in Lyon Exercita Phytologica. J.-E. Gilibert gave a list of 40 species of Lithuanian medicinal plants. The information provided by J.-E. Gilibert is undoubtedly an interesting contribution for the history of medicinal plants in the first Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The article presents and analyzes the list of given species.
Gilibert J.-E., Flora Lituanica Inchoata Seu Enumeratio Plantarum Quae Circa Grodnam Collegit & Determinavit Joannes Emmanuel Gilibert, Grodno 1781.
Gilibert J.-E., Caroli Linnaei Botanicorum Principis Systema Plantarum Europae Exhibens, Kolonia 1785.
Gilibert J.-E., Exercita Phytologica Quibus Omnes Plantae Europeae; Quas Vivas Inventit In Variis Herbationibus Seu In Lithuania, Galia, Alpibus, analisi nova proponuntur ex typo naturae describuntur, novisque observationibus aut figuris raris illustrantur : additis stationibus, tempore fl orendi, usibus medicis, aut oeconomicis, propria auctoris experientia natis, Lyon 1790.
Gilibert J.-E., Le calendrier de Flore pour l’année 1778 autour de Grodno et pour l’année 1808 autour de Lyon, Lyon 1809.
Gilibert J.-E., Histoires des Plantes d’Europe Et Etranères, Les Plus Communes, Les Plus Utiles Et Les Plus Curieuses, Lyon 1787 i 1806.
Köhler P., Konferencja „Jean Emmanuel Gilibert (1741–1814) i jego rola w rozwoju Historii Naturalnej na Uniwersytcie Wileńskim” (25–26 września 2014), Warszawa. „Wiadomości Botaniczne” 2014, nr 58(3/4).
Ričkienė A., The contributions of the J.E. Gilibert to the studies of Lithuanian fl ora, „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki” 2015, nr 61.
Rzączyński G., Historia naturalis curiosa regni Poloniae, Magniducatus Lituaniæ, Annexarum; provinciarum, in Tractatus XX divisa : Ex scriptoribus probatis, servata primigenia eorum phrasi in locis plurimis, ex M.S.S. variis, Testibus oculatis, relationibus side dignis, experimentis, Desumpta Operâ P. Gabrielis Rzaczynski, Sandomierz 1721.
Information: Modern medicine, 2023, Volume 29 (2023) Issue 1, pp. 335-342
Article type: Original article
Rośliny lecznicze Rzeczypospolitej w pracach Jeana-Emmanuela Giliberta (1741–1814) – kilka refleksji na temat fitoterapii w Exercitia phytologica
The healing plants of the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth in the works of Jean-Emmanuel Gilibert (1741–1814) – a few reflections on phytotherapy in Exercitia Phytologica
PatriNat (OFB-Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CNRS, IRD) Paris
Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa, Poland
Published at: 09.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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