On historians of medicine and research institutes of the first half of the 1950s in the light of the report of the Ministry of Health
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEO historykach medycyny i zakładach naukowych pierwszej połowy lat 50. XX w. w świetle sprawozdania Ministerstwa Zdrowia
Publication date: 12.2021
Modern medicine, 2021, Volume 27 (2021) Issue 2, pp. 111-135
O historykach medycyny i zakładach naukowych pierwszej połowy lat 50. XX w. w świetle sprawozdania Ministerstwa Zdrowia
The article discusses the issue of the perception of the academic milieu of medical historians through the prism of the new post-war reality of the early 1950s. The author, based on the document – a report on a tour of scientifi c institutions by Dr. A. Smoluchowski – presents the then way of assessing medical historians, which to a large extent it depended on their individual views and attitude to the new Marxist ideology. In the end, the image of the community of Polish medical historians of the analyzed period turned out to be not the most interesting. It was supposed to be very confl icted, full of prejudices, blurring, disagreements, very attached to the pre-war way of practicing history, with little valuable achievements. How was it really? What could have been the cause of such an opinion? The author of the article tries to fi nd an answer to these and other questions.
Information: Modern medicine, 2021, Volume 27 (2021) Issue 2, pp. 111-135
Article type: Original article
O historykach medycyny i zakładach naukowych pierwszej połowy lat 50. XX w. w świetle sprawozdania Ministerstwa Zdrowia
On historians of medicine and research institutes of the first half of the 1950s in the light of the report of the Ministry of Health
Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa, Poland
Published at: 12.2021
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 827
Number of downloads: 1089