Między higieną szkolną a praktyką lekarską. Zadania lekarza szkolnego w Prusach (I poł. XX w.)

Publication date: 31.08.2020

Modern medicine, 2020, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 1, pp. 35-49



Joanna Lusek
Muzeum Górnośląskie w Bytomiu
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3302-1321 Orcid
All publications →


Między higieną szkolną a praktyką lekarską. Zadania lekarza szkolnego w Prusach (I poł. XX w.)


The first non-formalized samples of medical care for children at the primary schools, young people educating in vocational schools, young people at the secondary general-education schools and for people at the preparatory institutes as well as in the teacher education were already taken in the 80s of the 19th century.
The duties of the district doctors, not yet school doctors, were limited to checking compliance regulations in the area of the general condition of school buildings and hygienic conditions in the abovementioned areas and buildings. Only in isolated cases did the doctors, mostly out of their own free will, attempt to carry out
the regular medical examinations with the aim of recording physical and mental defects as well as the general health situation of children and adolescents of both sexes.

Despite the consciousness of the medical world, the scope of duties and obligations of school doctors was only defined and confirmed by state regulations in the first two decades of the 20th century. The school doctors became representatives of the public health care in educational institutions confirmed by government regulations. They were not only concerned with the observance of hygiene regulations, but above all with the prophylaxis of childhood diseases, infectious, venereal or occupational diseases (including vocational counseling), with the diagnosis of physical and mental dysfunctions and with the elimination of the pathologies associated with alcoholism. They carried out their tasks in close cooperation with the Youth Welfare Office.


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Information: Modern medicine, 2020, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 1, pp. 35-49

Article type: Original article



Między higieną szkolną a praktyką lekarską. Zadania lekarza szkolnego w Prusach (I poł. XX w.)


Between school hygiene and medical practice. Duties of a school doctor in Prussia (1st half of the 20th century)



Joanna Lusek
Muzeum Górnośląskie w Bytomiu
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3302-1321 Orcid
All publications →

Muzeum Górnośląskie w Bytomiu

Published at: 31.08.2020

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Joanna Lusek (Author) - 100%

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