Dental practice in the Auschwitz and Stutthof concentration camp
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEDentystyka w obozach koncentracyjnych na przykładzie KL Auschwitz i KL Stutthof
Publication date: 13.12.2018
Modern medicine, 2018, Volume 24 (2018) Issue 1, pp. 127-138
Dentystyka w obozach koncentracyjnych na przykładzie KL Auschwitz i KL Stutthof
The aim of the article is to present the functioning of the dental offi ces in the concentration camps KL Stutthof in Sztutowo and KL Auschwitz in Oświęcim. The state of knowledge about dentistry at Stutthof camp is inadequate, because it has not been properly elaborated. In the concentration camps, both the doctor and the dentist, were almost not associated with medical help. A dental offi ce was established in KL Stutthof in November 1941 when Ernst Wedel arrived, in Auschwitz much earlier and the fi rst founders were polish prisoners, who always tried to help the most sick people, but the chiefs were SS-Sturmbannführer dr Karl Teuber and SS-Hauptsturmführer dr Willy Frank. The main tasks of the dentist was to take care of the SS staff and prisoners, but only the camp’s crew was surrounded with full medical care.
The article presents a short analysis of sources, confi rming that the SS-personnel were treated even when the case of tooth diseases was very serious, but when it comes to the prisoners, they could have tooth removal or sometimes jaw surgery. The most important task was to keep the records of prisoners with artifi cial teeth made of gold and other precious metals. After prisoners death, the doctor removed his teeth out and then melted down so that it could fi nally be sent to Goldverwaltung.
Information: Modern medicine, 2018, Volume 24 (2018) Issue 1, pp. 127-138
Article type: Original article
Dentystyka w obozach koncentracyjnych na przykładzie KL Auschwitz i KL Stutthof
Dental practice in the Auschwitz and Stutthof concentration camp
Published at: 13.12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 1314
Number of downloads: 2123