Casten Rönnow – a Swedish doctor in the French countryside in Lunéviile, in the years 1737–1766
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECasten Rönnow – szwedzki medyk na francuskiej prowincji w Lunéviile w latach 1737–1766
Publication date: 19.02.2020
Modern medicine, 2019, Volume 25 (2019) Issue 2, pp. 27-46
Casten Rönnow – szwedzki medyk na francuskiej prowincji w Lunéviile w latach 1737–1766
Casten Rönnow, coming from a Swedish family with medical traditions, spent the most active years of his professional career at the court of King Stanislaus in Lunéville. He studied in Stockholm and Uppsala and continued his education abroad in Denmark, Germany, and finally in France, in Paris. He received his surgeon diploma at the University of Metz in 1730. He was a very promising surgeon in Parisian circles, with a noticeable artistic talent which he used while illustrating a treaty of a well-known military surgeon, Henri-François Le Dran. In France he joined the court of a Polish queen, Katarzyna Opalińska (the wife of King Stanislaus Leszczyński), who sent him to Konnigsberg as a trustworthy, personal doctor of King Stanisław Leszczyński. He stayed with the monarch till his death in 1766, exercising the function of “Médecin Conseiller in time du roi”, but in fact, he was also the court doctor. He was called to assist in particularly diffi cult cases like birth fever of Mme du Châtelet or the first documented autopsy in the history of medicine performed on a dwarf, Bébé. Casten Rönnow was also a medical supervisor in the duchy of Lorraine and Bar, he participated in the establishment of the Collège Royale de medicine in Nancy, published scientifi c works. In 1744, he became a member of the Académie royale des sciences in Sweden, and after the death of King Stanislaus, when he came back from Sweden, he became the manager of this institution, opening in this way the next and the last chapter in his life.
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Information: Modern medicine, 2019, Volume 25 (2019) Issue 2, pp. 27-46
Article type: Original article
Casten Rönnow – szwedzki medyk na francuskiej prowincji w Lunéviile w latach 1737–1766
Casten Rönnow – a Swedish doctor in the French countryside in Lunéviile, in the years 1737–1766
Published at: 19.02.2020
Article status: Open
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