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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMiędzy krzyżykiem a kółkiem. Niepiśmienny w aktach wydziału pojednawczego i policji prostej sądu pokoju w Zgierzu i Łodzi z lat 1844–1876
Publication date: 28.05.2021
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 14 (2021), Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 1-15
Między krzyżykiem a kółkiem. Niepiśmienny w aktach wydziału pojednawczego i policji prostej sądu pokoju w Zgierzu i Łodzi z lat 1844–1876
The law in the Kingdom of Poland regulated the use of alternative forms of signature. The files of the courts of peace in Zgierz and Łódźabound in examples of their use. In guardianship documents, we most often find three crosses in lieu of a signature (in applications) or a mention of the illiteracy of the participants in the proceedings (minutes of meetings and resolutions). In the simple police department’s cases, Christians signed with crosses, while Jews drew three circles or signed in Hebrew. In each case, the official (a person witnessing the ‘signature’) attested that the signs were made by a specific person.
Information: Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 14 (2021), Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 1-15
Article type: Original article
Między krzyżykiem a kółkiem. Niepiśmienny w aktach wydziału pojednawczego i policji prostej sądu pokoju w Zgierzu i Łodzi z lat 1844–1876
University of Lodz, Poland, ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź
Published at: 28.05.2021
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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