To help ease the technical preparation of the text, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Texts submitted for publication should be in an electronic form that is possible to edit (MS Office Word, Apache OpenOffice Writer or LibreOffice Writer).
- Scientific papers should contain a maximum of 30 pages of normal typescript (30 lines of text with approx. 60 characters per line, i.e. 1800 characters per page).
- The scientific paper should include (in the form of a link by the author’s name) a note about the author, containing: the scientific level, current position and institution/place of work, research interests, e-mail address of the author and ORCID iD.
- ORCID number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open and mobile register of unique IDs for scientists and researchers that serves to unequivocally identify authors and their publications. Free registration is possible at:
- The paper should contain: a bibliography (placed at the end of the paper), an abstract (approx. 0.5 pages) as well as key words (up to 5 words). The bibliography consists of sources which are cited or referred to by the author of the paper. The abstract should contain: the goal of the paper, the research methods used, and the main research results. The key words must refer to the main issues dealt with in the paper.
- Examples of bibliographies are contained in Principles of preparing texts for publication in “Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny”. For publications with a DOI number, it should be included in the bibliography.
- The text should be prepared using Times New Roman size 12 font, without hard spaces, but with line spacing (1.5 lines).