Polish socio-cultural realities from the perspective of the Czech-Polish relations
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPolish socio-cultural realities from the perspective of the Czech-Polish relations
Publication date: 20.09.2013
Konteksty Kultury, 2013, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 443 - 457
Polish socio-cultural realities from the perspective of the Czech-Polish relations
The article contains information from several Polish surveys oriented to self-perception of Poles, as well as data gathered for the purpose of individual research for a diploma thesis at the Palacký University in Olomouc. The introduction points out the highly critical self-image of Poles, stresses the most distinct features of the Polish society, and presents a list of the mentioned features. The Polish homogeneity and nationalism, emphasized in the study, are presented in a wider context of international relations; the discourse of the Czech-Polish relations has also been discussed in more detail. The surveyed respondents, beside inhabitants of Warsaw, included Miroslav Karas, Mariusz Surosz, Dr. Marcin Stawski or Marta Chwalińska-Stach. The participants spoke, among others, about the specifi c nature of Czechness and Polishness. The text attempts to approximate the character of this binary system and the way the self-references of the Poles are hypothetically refl ected in the current socio-cultural order.
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Information: Konteksty Kultury, 2013, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 443 - 457
Article type: Original article
Polish socio-cultural realities from the perspective of the Czech-Polish relations
Palacky University, Křížkovského 8, 771 47, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Published at: 20.09.2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 3279
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