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Основания структурно-семантической вариативности предложения

Publication date: 2019

Language and Method, 2019, 6, pp. 191-198


Irina Valerevna Ivanova-Micevich
Minsk State Linguistic University
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Основания структурно-семантической вариативности предложения


The article presents a new theoretical frame for analyzing and describing the meaning of sentences. A sentence is regarded as a unit which on the one hand possesses a definite content of extralinguistic character while on the other hand has a form meaningful in the system of language, thus the basis of cognitive model of a sentence is created by two basic structures: a denotational field – a cognitive and conceptual representation of knowledge about a fragment of reality – and a significational structure – evolutionary heritage of human beings, designed for interpretation and generation of syntactic units. The process of building the integral model of sentence meaning presupposes correlating of these two structures in one confi guration. It includes several procedures that determine formal and meaningful variability of sentences: 1) choosing a viewpoint of the denotational field (focus of speaker’s interest); 2) defi ning the signifi cational categories and connecting them into a proposition; 3) selecting a component of the situation to be most important from the structural point of view (center of empathy), and finally, giving signifi cational functions to other denotational components, selected for presentation.


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Information: Language and Method, 2019, 6, pp. 191-198

Article type: Original article



Основания структурно-семантической вариативности предложения


Minsk State Linguistic University

Published at: 2019

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Irina Valerevna Ivanova-Micevich (Author) - 100%

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View count: 1206

Number of downloads: 1277