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The inventory of high objects applying laser scanning, focus on the cataloguing a reinforced concrete industrial chimney

Publication date: 12.2015

Geoinformatica Polonica, 2015, Vol. 14 (2015), pp. 95-107


Rafał Gawałkiewicz
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4261-1697 Orcid
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The inventory of high objects applying laser scanning, focus on the cataloguing a reinforced concrete industrial chimney


There are many surveying methods to measure the inclination of a chimney with the use of classical protractor instruments (Theo 010A/B, T2 Wild), electronic theodolites (TC2002 Wild-Leica), electronic total stations, including mirrorless ones, allowing to  define indirectly the course of the construction’s axis on the selected observation levels. The methods are the following: indentations, direct projection, double-edged method, polar method with the option of mirrorless measurement. At the moment a very practical and quick measurement technology, signifi cantly eliminating the influence of human errors on the observation results, is laser scanning. The article presents the results of the scanning of 120-metres high reinforced concrete industrial chimney of the Cement Plant „Ożarów”, with the application of modern scanning total station VX Spatial Station by Trimble, as an alternative to the methods applied so far. The advantage of scanning is the possibility to obtain a point cloud, which, apart from the information on the course of the chimney axis in the space, provides detail information on the real shape and deformations of the coating of the object’s core.


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Information: Geoinformatica Polonica, 2015, Vol. 14 (2015), pp. 95-107

Article type: Original article



The inventory of high objects applying laser scanning, focus on the cataloguing a reinforced concrete industrial chimney

Polish: Inwentaryzacja obiektów wysokich z wykorzystaniem skaningu laserowego



Rafał Gawałkiewicz
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4261-1697 Orcid
All publications →

AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering

Published at: 12.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Rafał Gawałkiewicz (Author) - 100%

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