Information system of excavations in the Wieliczka salt mine
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEInformation system of excavations in the Wieliczka salt mine
Publication date: 15.12.2016
Geoinformatica Polonica, 2016, Vol. 15 (2016), pp. 121 - 133
Information system of excavations in the Wieliczka salt mine
The “Wieliczka” Salt Mine has specifi c characteristics, related to the geological structure of the deposit, geomechanical properties of the rock mass, mine operation methods, the impact of the excavations on the surface and on the rock mass and the role of the mine as a cultural monument and tourist attraction. In order for an IT system to manage the mine, the system has to be prepared with consideration of the above-mentioned characteristics, which precludes the implementation of other systems for the Wieliczka mine. The article discusses the methods of creating a part of such a system in the form of a database about the excavations, which may be the basis of the entire system. The database uses the software available at the mine. The article indicates the practical applications of the database in the resolution of engineering and mining issues.
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Information: Geoinformatica Polonica, 2016, Vol. 15 (2016), pp. 121 - 133
Article type: Original article
Information system of excavations in the Wieliczka salt mine
Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Geotechnics
Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering, Department of Geotechnics, Geomatics and Waste Managements
Published at: 15.12.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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