Comparative Legal Analysis of Budget Grant Funding of Science in the European Union and the Russian Federation
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEComparative Legal Analysis of Budget Grant Funding of Science in the European Union and the Russian Federation
Publication date: 31.03.2022
Financial Law Review, 2022, Issue 25 (1)/2022, pp. 33 - 50
Comparative Legal Analysis of Budget Grant Funding of Science in the European Union and the Russian Federation
In this article, the author examines the most significant characteristics of a such method of budgetary funding for research in the European Union and Russian Federation as grant funding. Grants are actively used for these purposes in many countries. Grant funding is especially popular in the European Union. The analysis of research grants in Russia and the EU shows that the legal regulation and the grant process in mentioned public entities are very similar, but there are differences. The author focuses her attention on highlighting the advantages of grant funding of science in the EU and Russia to exchange of experience. The author uses the following scientific methods: collection of information on grant funding in the European Union and the Russian Federation, comparative analysis of legislation, observation, formulation of conclusions.
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Information: Financial Law Review, 2022, Issue 25 (1)/2022, pp. 33 - 50
Article type: Original article
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Published at: 31.03.2022
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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