Bridging the Divide: Marriage Politics across the Caucasus

Publication date: 02.07.2021

ELECTRUM, 2021, Volume 28, pp. 221-244



Lara Fabian
Uniwersytet Alberta i Ludwika we Fryburgu
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Bridging the Divide: Marriage Politics across the Caucasus


The early relationships between the polities of Armenia and K‘art‘li in the South Caucasus and their neighbours in the North Caucasus is a central, but underappreciated, factor in the development of the South Caucasus’ social and political world in the Hellenistic period. Typically, only military aspects of these interactions are considered (e.g., Alan raids and control thereof). Hazy evidence of cross-Caucasus marriage alliances preserved in both the Armenian and Georgian historiographic traditions, however, hints at a far wider sphere of interaction, despite the inherent challenges in gleaning historical reality from these medieval accounts. This paper contextualizes two stories of cross-Caucasus marriage related to foundational dynastic figures in the Armenian and Georgian traditions, Artašēs and P‘arnavaz respectively, within a wider body of evidence for and thought about North-South Caucasus interaction. Taken as a whole, this consideration argues that North-South relationships should be seen as integral to the political development of the South Caucasus.


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Information: ELECTRUM, 2021, Volume 28, pp. 221-244

Article type: Original article


Uniwersytet Alberta i Ludwika we Fryburgu

Published at: 02.07.2021

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Lara Fabian (Author) - 100%

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View count: 1107

Number of downloads: 1521

<p>Bridging the Divide: Marriage Politics across the Caucasus</p>