Athenian ‘Imperialism’ in the Aegean Sea in the 4th Century BCE: The Case of Keos
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAthenian ‘Imperialism’ in the Aegean Sea in the 4th Century BCE: The Case of Keos
Publication date: 2020
ELECTRUM, 2020, Volume 27, pp. 117-130
Athenian ‘Imperialism’ in the Aegean Sea in the 4th Century BCE: The Case of Keos
This article concerns the degree of direct involvement in the Athenian foreign policy in the 4th century BC. One of main questions debated by scholars is whether the Second Athenian Sea League was gradually evolving into an arche, to eventually resemble the league of the previous century. The following text contributes to the scholarly debate through a case study of relations between Athens and poleis on the island of Keos in 360s. Despite its small size, Keos included four settlements having the status of polis: Karthaia, Poiessa, Koresia and Ioulis, all members of the Second Athenian League. Around year 363/2 (according to the Attic calendar),anti-Athenian riots, usually described as revolts, erupted on Keos, to be quickly quelled by the strategos Chabrias. It is commonly assumed that the Athenians used the uprising to interfere directly in internal affairs on the island, enforcing the dissolution of the local federation of poleis. However, my analysis of selected sources suggests that such an interpretation cannot be readily defended: in fact, the federation on Keos could have broken up earlier, possibly without any external intervention. In result, it appears that the Athenians did not interfere in the local affairs to such a degree as it is often accepted.
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Information: ELECTRUM, 2020, Volume 27, pp. 117-130
Article type: Original article
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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