Alexander the Great at Bactra: A Burning Question
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAlexander the Great at Bactra: A Burning Question
Publication date: 22.12.2015
ELECTRUM, 2015, Volume 22, pp. 9-15 10.4467/20800909EL.15.001.3491Authors
Alexander the Great at Bactra: A Burning Question
Scholars have generally claimed that Alexander the Great’s extraordinary order that his army burn all of its non-essential personal possessions occurred in Hyrcania, on the eve of the Bactrian invasion. The evidence, however, shows that the event more likely happened at Bactra several years later, at the end of the Bactrian campaign.
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Worthington, I. (2004), Alexander the Great: Man and God, London.
Information: ELECTRUM, 2015, Volume 22, pp. 9-15
Article type: Original article
University of Houston
Published at: 22.12.2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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