Why do architects still draw (using computer)? Remarks on techniques

Publication date: 22.01.2016

Technical Transactions, 2015, Architecture Issue 4-A (4) 2015, pp. 255 - 261



Krzysztof Koszewski
Institute of Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology; Committee on Ergonomics, Polish Academy of Sciences
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Why do architects still draw (using computer)? Remarks on techniques


As a discipline, architecture constantly needs to take on new challenges. Currently, a significant share of them regards presenting architectural ideas in the face of the IT revolution. In this context, it is reasonable to return to the question of why architects (still) draw. What – especially now – really is architectural drawing? What is the array of its unique features like in comparison with computer techniques? What is the unique potential of the latter, and is there a choice between them or are theymutually exclusive? One of the provided answers is to indicate a need for a critical analysis of the methods to present design ideas, regardless of the means used.


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Information: Technical Transactions, 2015, Architecture Issue 4-A (4) 2015, pp. 255 - 261

Article type: Original article



Why do architects still draw (using computer)? Remarks on techniques


Why do architects still draw (using computer)? Remarks on techniques


Institute of Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology; Committee on Ergonomics, Polish Academy of Sciences

Published at: 22.01.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

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Krzysztof Koszewski (Author) - 100%

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