The gardener’s house – the form, the value, the state
of behaviour (on the example of buildings from the area of the former
rejencja opolska)
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The gardener’s house – the form, the value, the state
of behaviour (on the example of buildings from the area of the former
rejencja opolska)
Publication date: 14.11.2014
Technical Transactions, 2014, Architecture Issue 6 A (11) 2014, pp. 133 - 146
The gardener’s house – the form, the value, the state
of behaviour (on the example of buildings from the area of the former
rejencja opolska)
The article covers issues relating to the19th-century buildings which accompanied the park complex, called the gardener’s house. They presented the most important contemporary trends in the formation of residential-park complexes, as well as examples of preserved objects in the former rejencja opolska. It also presents the form, present values, and opportunities for adapting them.
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2014, Architecture Issue 6 A (11) 2014, pp. 133 - 146
Article type: Original article
The gardener’s house – the form, the value, the state
of behaviour (on the example of buildings from the area of the former
rejencja opolska)
The gardener’s house – the form, the value, the state
of behaviour (on the example of buildings from the area of the former
rejencja opolska)
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 14.11.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1995
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