Detailed guidelines Text layout. The text of original contributions should feature the following parts:
- introduction,
- aim,
- materials and methods,
- results,
- discussion and conclusions.
Case studies should include:
- introduction,
- description of case study,
- conclusions.
An abstract of an original contribution should be from 200 to 250 words and should include: aim, materials, methods, results and conclusions; abstracts of case studies and review articles should be from 100 to 150 words.
From 3 to 6 key words should be chosen for each contributions; they should be indicative of the topic of the contribution (follow the guidelines given in Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings – MESH). Only standard abbreviations should be used. Abbreviations in the title and abstract should be avoided. Any first use of an abbreviation should be explained, unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measure.
Measures of length, height, weight and volume must be given in metric units (metre, kilogram, and litre) or their decimals. Temperature is given in Celsius, blood pressure in millimetres of mercury. All results of haematological or biochemical measurements are given in the SI metric system with reference ranges.
The entire contribution (with figures, tables, literature and abstract) of original and review articles should be maximum 12 pages (1 page = 1800 characters), case studies – 7 pages and other contributions – 5 pages. In exceptional circumstances the Editors may accept contributions exceeding the page limit indicated above.
A file with the article should be free from any information that would permit identification of the author (a double-blind review process will be applied).