Paleodemography of the Late Iron Age Cemetery from Fântânele–Dealul Iuşului, Transylvania
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPaleodemography of the Late Iron Age Cemetery from Fântânele–Dealul Iuşului, Transylvania
Publication date: 2022
Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, 2022, Vol LVII, pp. 33 - 62
Paleodemography of the Late Iron Age Cemetery from Fântânele–Dealul Iuşului, Transylvania
In the Late Iron Age biritual cemetery from Fântânele-Dealul Iuşului / La Gâţa the remains of 43 individuals from 41 graves have been excavated to this day. The analysis of inhumation and cremation burials allowed for a paleodemographic study of this community settled on the fringes of the Celtic world. In addition to data on the sex and age or intravital body height of the deceased, pathological changes and epigenetic traits were also observed in some cases. Furthermore, analyses of the cremated human remains also brought to light different characteristics of burial habits, such as burning temperature or the rate of collection of the remains from the pyre.
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Information: Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, 2022, Vol LVII, pp. 33 - 62
Article type: Original article
Muzeul Judeţean Mureş, str. Mărăşti 8A. 540328, Târgu Mureş, Romania
Muzeul Judeţean Mureş, str. Mărăşti 8A. 540328, Târgu Mureş, Romania
Muzeul Grăniceresc Năsăud, B-dul Grănicerilor nr. 19. 425200, Năsăud, Romania
Published at: 2022
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