A newly discovered fragment of a Hunnic cauldron from site 59-60, Sanok, Poland
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEA newly discovered fragment of a Hunnic cauldron from site 59-60, Sanok, Poland
Publication date: 2020
Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, 2020, Vol LV, pp. 235 - 254
A newly discovered fragment of a Hunnic cauldron from site 59-60, Sanok, Poland
The article presents a newly discovered fragment of the Hunnic cauldron, unearthed during investment research conducted at site 59-60 in Sanok, Sanok County, Podkarpackie Voivodeship. As a result of conducted excavations, an extensive settlement from the Late Roman Period and the Early Migration Period were discovered. The fragment of the cauldron in one of the most important discoveries from here. Up to date just over 20 specimens of cauldrons or their fragments are known from Central Europe. The presented one is just the second cauldron discovered in the area of Poland. The article contains the results of stylistic, typological and chemical analyzes confirming the interpretation of this find.
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Information: Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, 2020, Vol LV, pp. 235 - 254
Article type: Original article
Arch Foundation, Przyczki 18, 33-112 Tarnowiec, Poland
Fi Projekt Jan Bulas Kraków, Poland
Pracownia Archeologiczna Mirosław Mazurek
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, The Historical Layers Research Centre, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, The Historical Layers Research Centre, Poland
Published at: 2020
Article status: Open
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