Karst freshwater caves are subterranean habitats characterized by the constant absence of light and relatively small variations of temperature and air humidity. They are mostly food deprived environments, with the exception if large bat colonies are present or if they are intensively supplied with organic matter by sinking rivers. Even though these habitats are often described as harsh, they have enabled the evolution of highly specialized and often endemic animals. The cave eukaryotic micro-organisms, on the other hand, are scarcely researched. The results of research of testate amoebae in the caves of the Dinaric arc detected 23 species, 12 of which were first found in caves. Also, a description of Centropyxis bipilata sp. nov. is presented. This species is clearly distinguished from other described species based on shell size, the presence of two struts and the usually dark ring around the aperture. Testate amoebae were registered on aquatic and terrestrial cave sediments and transitional habitats (like hygropetric and wet walls). The most frequent species within the samples were: Trinema lineare, Cryptodifflugia oviformis and Centropyxis bipilata sp. nov. Maximum diversity of testate amoebae was registered in Ponor Kovači with twenty species. In 24.4 % of the investigated samples microphototrophs were found, implying good surface-subsurface connectivity that could also affect testate amoebae diversity. This research showed that caves are underestimated habitats that can provide us with new data about the testate amoebae biogeography and diversity.