Red. Janusz Miliszkiewicz
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2016 (2), 2016, pp. 143 - 152 and fixed auctions and the publishing of fictitious post auction prices has been an important issue for the Polish art market since 1989. The lack of transparency within the art market is perceived as a risk. There exists a culture of secrecy, an unavailability of information on the depth of the market, its turnover, sellers and buyers, art objects and their actual prices. All this contributes to its ineffectiveness, from which all benefit (chiefly middlemen). The author postulates legal market regulation that would establish an independent agency to control the art market.
Red. Janusz Miliszkiewicz
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2015 (1), 2015, pp. 223 - 232 artistic portrait is a gate to immortality. It builds an image and serves as the calling card of the model. All over the world, lawyers have always commissioned their portraits, nothing has changed in that for generations. In this paper, an attempt is made at answering questions of how, for whom and for how much to pose for a portrait and of how to revive the old Polish tradition of commissioning portraits.