Przemysław Markiewicz-Zahorski
Technical Transactions, Volume 11 Year 2017 (114), 2017, pp. 17-32
Rozwój cywilizacyjny przynosi w dziedzinie architektury nowe wyzwania. Aby im sprostać, w projektowaniu architektoniczno-budowlanym nieuchronne staje się powszechne wprowadzenie szeroko rozumianego standardu BIM. Wokół zawodu architekta powstają nieznane wcześniej nowe specjalizacje zawodowe.
▶▶ Coraz częściej projekty przebudowy i modernizacji budynków istniejących wykonywane są w standardzie BIM i z tego względu konieczne jest na wstępie przekształcenie istniejącej dokumentacji 2D w wirtualny model budynku 3D.
▶▶ Dalmierze laserowe, sprzężone z odpowiednim oprogramowaniem komputerowym, pozwalają na inteligentne inwentaryzacje, polegające na jednoczesnym pomiarze i modelowaniu elementów wirtualnego budynku.
▶▶ Najnowsza technologicznie, najdokładniejsza, najszybsza i bezinwazyjna metoda zbierania danych na temat budynku to inwentaryzacja za pomocą skanera laserowego, który tworzy chmurę punktów w przestrzeni 3D.
▶▶ Tworzenie obiektów bibliotecznych do najpopularniejszych programów wspomagających projektowanie, które dotyczą konkretnych produktów handlowych, stało się jedną z najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się specjalizacji na obrzeżach zawodu architekta.
▶▶ Możliwość przedstawienia projektu w interaktywny i multimedialny sposób poszerza możliwości wykorzystania go poza tradycyjne zastosowania.
Przemysław Markiewicz-Zahorski
Housing Environment, 23/2018, 2018, pp. 63-71 to the numerous benefits gained from the implementation of the latest information technologies in architecture and construction, BIM is unavoidably becoming the standard of modern design. BIM Technology also applies to the stage of surveying a building.
The sequence of work when surveying a building in the BIM standard on the basis of laser scanning is as follows: The first task to be performed is tachymetric measurement. Afterwards, as a result of laser scanning, we obtain so-called point clouds, from which so-called orthophotoplans are generated. Based on these plans, a virtual model of a building is generated. After applying dimensions and annotation from the 3D (4D+5D) model, we can generate floor plans, cross-sections and elevations, as well as various types of schedules.
Przemysław Markiewicz-Zahorski
Housing Environment, 16/2016, 2016, pp. 23-33
The orientation of a building in relation to the cardinal directions influences the amount of time during which its interiors are illuminated and, as a result, on the level of solar heat gains and the final energy consumption of heating. The minimum and maximum surface area of windows that a building can have is regulated through appropriate regulations of Construction Law. These regulations, however, do not provide separate guidelines regarding the amount of surface area of glazing for energy efficient buildings. Meanwhile, the recommended manner of designing windows in energy efficient buildings differs from the manner of designing them for normative buildings. Windows play a particularly important part in them, as the introduction of sunlight into a building is the simplest form of passively obtaining energy from solar radiation. According to the regulations, windows, balcony doors and external doors need to meet specific requirements regarding thermal insulation, and, as a result, need to be constructed in a particular way. The manner in which they are fitted into the opening in the wall and the proper montage of window jambs in relation to the structural layers of an external wall (its structural core and the thermal insulation layer) is also important.
Energy efficient buildings with large glazed surfaces from the southern side can suffer from interior overheating. In order to preserve thermal comfort during the summer season, it is advised to use shading mechanisms.
All of the design solutions regarding window selection for energy efficient buildings need to be verified through the use of appropriate energy analyses.
Przemysław Markiewicz-Zahorski
Housing Environment, 21/2017, 2017, pp. 72-82 current, widely used traditional standards of architectural and construction design should be radically modified and adapted to modern needs.
• SMART PROJECT – There is currently an information technology-based revolution happening in the modern architectural toolset, associated with introducing new BIM-standard digital design support tools into common use. These tools make it possible to create a virtual model of a building, linked to an immense database that parameterises all the implemented construction materials, Technologies and building services of a building. The virtual design can be linked to climate parameters of a specific geographic location on the one hand, as well as occupancy parameters for each room on the other.
• SMART BUILDING – Energy efficiency requirements are radically increasing across the entire construction sector. This is meant to lead to achieving the „near-zero energy building” standard in the next few years. Buildings that feature such a high energy effectiveness will have to include an entire array of innovative architectural, structural and building services solutions that significantly differ from the typical ones in use today.