Patryk Szaj
Wielogłos, Issue 4 (54) 2022: Psychoanaliza i literatura. Metamorfozy dogmatu, 2022, pp. 111 - 130 author of the article reviews the book of Piotr Krupiński, Co się śni zwierzętom? Eseje z pogranicza zoofilologii i psychoanalizy (What Do Animals Dream about? Essays on Zoophilology and Psychoanalysis). The initial parts of the article introduce the concept of zoophilology and discuss its paradoxical nature. Then, the author re- constructs the content of the reviewed book. In the following parts, he challenges Krupiński’s ideas, focusing on the issues of Freudian psychoanalysis and representationalism as ineffective ways of overcoming the anthropocentrism. For, they leave the big Other of the anthropocentric reality principle untouched. Therefore, the author suggests moving beyond representationalism. In his opinion, it would result in better implementation of Krupiński’s objectives. He follows mainly the practitioners of the new materialism: Donna Haraway and Karen Barad.