Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 20, Issue 4, 2022, pp. 148 - 153 ongoing development of information and communications technology (ICT) is forcing the EU legislation to implement a modern legal framework (eIDAS 2.0) for emerging new services. In the case of trust services, neither electronic seals nor maintenance service for the electronic signatures and seals used to sign medical records in electronic format have been implemented in the Polish healthcare system so far. The European Digital Identity Wallet (EDIW) is expected to become a new European electronic identification method with potential in a cross-border healthcare. The integrated electronic identification method is intended to facilitate and streamline the identification process in different European countries, which is particularly important when using online services such as e-banking or e-government (in healthcare). Healthcare entities should ensure that procedures and tools for identifying individuals comply with current regulations and quality standards.
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, pp. 10 - 17 term “planetary diet” proposed by the EAT-Lancet Commission (the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health) emphasises the reduction in the consumption of animal-based foods, especially red meat. Such nutritional model leads to positive health effects, especially in relation to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and type II diabetes. Adhering to the principles of a planetary diet may help reduce the production of greenhouse gases and may also positively contribute towards restoring biodiversity and increasing the resources of natural ecosystems. Without firm actions, especially in terms of the strategies in the food industry, destructive climate changes will accelerate. Both in Poland and over the world, the movements emphasising protection of the environment are gaining more power. However, Polish society still adheres to unbalanced dietary habits that exert harmful effect on health. Nutrition education and promotion of the principles of a planetary diet, which can protect against the development of lifestyle diseases and can also have a positive impact on the environment, seem to be the appropriate action to take.
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 2 (Early Access), Early Access, pp. 41 - 50
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 318 - 325 of the use of information technologies among parents of children afflicted with chronic diseases
Introduction and aim of the study:The support to patients with chronic conditions is an important aspect of development of e‑health systems. And yet, information about acceptance and skills related to the use of information technologies (IT) among potential end-users is scarce. The objective of this study was assessment of the use of computer and the Internet both for general and health-related activities in the group of parents of children suffering from chronic medical conditions.
Material and methods: The survey was prepared and performed in the group of 120 parents accompanying their children during outpatient visits to speciality polyclinic (response rate 90.8%).
Results: The mean age of respondents was 40.9 years; 82.6% of them were women. The use of computers was declared by 88.1% and the Internet by 80.7% of the respondents. The Internet was one of main sources of health-related information for 77.1% of them. Checking of procedures recommended by a physician and obtaining advice from other parents were indicated most frequently among health-related activities performed online (56,8% and 53,5% respectively). Use of the Internet depended on age, education and place of residence of respondents. These factors did not have impact on accepting of the Internet as one of the main sources of health-related information
Conclusions: The parents of children suffering from chronic conditions more frequently use IT for general and health-related purposes than general population. Although they reveal relatively high satisfaction, there are still areas of care which could benefit from introduction of e‑health tools. However, there are still areas which could be supported or enhanced with e‑health solutions.
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2010, pp. 47 - 56
The Impact of e-Health Technologies on Development of Innovative Model of Service Delivery on Health Care
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) may be powerful source of the innovation in health care in many areas, but change of the model of care delivery and of the relations between participants of the health care market is the most visible trace. The access to relevant information became a prerequisite to patient empowerment in his or her relation with health care professionals. Nowadays, the patient is expected to take active role in care processes and abandon the attitute of a passive recipient of medical services.
There are also many challenges for health care professionals. Apart from the requirement of partnership relations with patients, health care professionals are obliged to follow evidence-based guidelines in their practice. The quality assurance strategies became inherent element of clinical activities. E-health environment brings a set of tools which can support all players active in health care domain in smooth adoption of new policies and requirements.
The paper focuses on the issues of enhancement of access to health-related information by patients and health care professionals, medical information management and patient safety achieved with e-health technologies. A new model of health care delivery, especially for chronic care, based on the intensive use of e-health systems is proposed
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 141 - 149 concept of health promotion emerged as a new approach to the challenge of health maintenance and improvement. It offered a new quality of thinking about health with strong emphasis on its positive understanding and not only on avoiding diseases. After several decades of translation of health promotion doctrine into practice, it became obvious that health promotion interventions should be seen in the context of complex interrelationships encompassing citizens, communities, health care systems and surrounding environments. This paper was prepared in the context of international project focused on evidence search for health promotion interventions addressed to elderly persons. Thus, the approaches offering systematic thinking about definitions, outcomes and interventions of health promotion are reminded. Furthermore, the concept of disesae prevention is discussed in search for differences and common elements with health promotion. Although, every model or classification is usually only some approximation of strategies applied in real life conditions, their knowledge may be helpful in assessment of available evidence in search of practical recommendations
This publication arises from the project Pro-Health 65+ which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme (2008 - 2013).
The content of this publication represents the views of the author and it is his sole responsibility; it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and/or the Executive Agency do(es) not accept responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Publication financed from funds for science in the years 2015 - 2017 allocated for implementation of an international co-financed project.
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 195 - 301
The paper brings an overview of services based on the use of information and communication technologies which are aimed at mental health. The current growth of e health presents many opportunities and challenges for public health. Provision of interventions targeting mental health and wellbeing is an important domain of the e health environment. In Poland, we also face a rapid development of online psychotherapy services called also e therapy. Other terms are also in use. Clear recommendations and regulations are needed to address the potential risks of such interventions.
E-therapy has the potential to offer many benefits, both for patients and therapists. Available results from clinical trials support its further development. Depending on the types of conditions targeted by e-therapy and communication channels, the effectiveness of interventions may differ. However, accumulated evidence shows that e-therapy may be as effective as traditional mental care. On the other hand, the growing numbers of e services targeting mental health and psychological support results in higher risk of misconduct or malpractice.
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 144 - 155
The process of ageing of modern societies is the source of substantial challenges for social and health care systems. The growing number of elderly persons may be perceived both in terms of the burden but also as an opportunity. On one hand, elderly population requires additional forms of care and support. On the other hand, older persons shape a market for various types of services and products supporting them in independent and secure life.
Ageing usually results in progressing limitations of the sensory and cognitive functions as well as mobility. Thus, elderly population is a target audience for products belonging to the domain of assistive technologies. This term origins from first regulations accepted in USA in 60. in XX century in relation to elderly persons. Nowadays, it is used as umbrella term for all tools and systems applied for maintaining or increasing functional capacities of the person with various types of disabilities. Assistive technologies cover whole spectrum of products differing both in term of technical sophistication and complexity. There are many classes of assistive technologies which could be used by elderly persons depending on functional limitations occurring in a specific person. The solutions available currently demonstrates high technical advancement and trend for coverage of diversified aspects of every day living. The progress in the domain of supportive tools for elderly persons resulted in the concept of ambient assisted living. The concept is based on the desire of developing friendly and attentive environment for elderly persons assuring them independent and comfortable living. Ambient assisted living integrates the use of advanced sensory and communication technologies integrated as „smart home” and telemonitoring systems used not only in medical but also social context.
The expectation of establishment of supporting environment of living for elderly persons is also inherently linked to growth of the Information Society and ongoing embedment of information and communication technologies in all aspects of life.
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 326 - 332 review of chosen health risk related to Internet use
Internet brings many new options for delivery of health-related services addressed both to patients and to whole communities. However, Internet is also a source of health risks. One should remember that Internet may be directly related to adverse health effect in case of Internet addiction. Most risks related to the use of Internet may to some extent lead to health consequences. It may be employed for promotion of harmful or dangerous behaviours, distribution of psychoactive or other noxious substances, and even promotion of unproven therapeutical methods. Among examples of promotion of risky or harmful behaviours, virtual pro-ana communities, sites promoting suicides and risky sexual habits resulting from Internet, were discussed. Finally, the problem of illicit drug commerce and activities of so called ‘rogue pharmacies’ providing controlled medications without prescription was addressed.
Mariusz Duplaga
Public Health and Governance, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2018, pp. 155 - 166 is seen as the next stage of developing applications for information and communication technologies in the area of health care. This paper presents the evolution of mHealth systems and the results of the latest analyses of the effectiveness of mHealth interventions. Intensive mHealth development results from the near universal access to mobile devices, primarily smartphones, and devices that use sensory technologies. The great interest in mobile applications is reflected in the offer of online stores, which already provide many thousands of programs that can be installed on a mobile phone. Of the many possible mHealth applications, those supporting chronic diseases care and health promotion activities are regarded as the most promising. The growing interest in the area of mHealth is proven by the large number of publications that present syntheses of the available evidence. Although studies aimed at assessing the usefulness and effectiveness of health applications quite often raise doubts about the methodological quality, the significance of the analyses is positive. However, problems in maintaining the involvement of health users in mHealth solutions may be a cause for concern.