The article introduces a look at the artistic activity of Małgorzata Mirga-Tas as a Romani feminist, activist, politically involved author (in the sense of politics given to her by Jacques Rancière) and at the same time reading her work as a potential for humane education, especially Polish studies. As the author of the article shows, the categories used by Rancière to describe the public sphere, especially making the world visible, the reconfiguration of perceptible division are didactic.
The article reviews textbooks for the Polish language, pointing to the absence of Romani authors and Romani issues. The recognized emptiness could be filled by the creative biography of Mirga-Tas because for the artist creating within the professional world of art, her identity is not a burden but a forming element and a source of inspiration.
The potential of the exhibition “Re-enchanting the world” would allow to break the didactic discourse manifested in empathic gypsiology and on the other hand, narrowing the Romani subject to the pedagogisation of social problems presented in the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s habitus. According to the author of the text, the Mirga-Tas’ exhibition at Venice Biennale is a laboratory of potential history which can become a space for experimenting with fiction and life at the lesson, provided that a pedagogical strategy of political voice is adopted.