The aim of this article is to discuss the practice of protection services for Polish monuments in terms of the minimum age required for a building which allows a decision regarding the entry to a register of monuments for a given object. The register of monuments was created in 1928 and continues to the present day, covering over 70,000 inscriptions. During its 90 years of existence, there have been 3 separate definitions of monuments, each of them different in terms of what constitutes a monument and the required age for protection. The article follows subsequent decisions, up to the introduction of the Act on the Protection of Monuments and the Guardianship of Monuments, where acceptance for the protection of extremely young buildings was visible (for instance, in the 1990s, an unfinished object was inscribed into the register). The new law brought a fundamental change in this aspect – for the first time a longer duration of caesura between the construction of the building and its entry into the register of monuments is consistently required.