Marcin Starzyński
Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny, XXIII, 2017, pp. 101 - 133 genesis of studies into a patriciate of Krakow This article, prepared in connection with the 140th anniversary in 2016 of the birth of Jan Ptaśnik (1876–1930), recalls the man himself and an important fragment of the creativity of this highly-regarded historian. Born into a peasant family, Jan Ptaśnik – a pupil of Stanisław Krzyżanowski and Wincenty Zakrzewski – was connected with universities in Krakow, where he became a doctor at the age of thirty one, and Lviv, where in 1920 he became the head of a faculty, which he directed until his premature death in 1930. He was a pioneer of modern research into the history of culture and the history of towns and townspeople, as well as a valuable publisher. In the first part of the text, the Author presents the biography of the researcher, complementing former works as well as discussing his scientific achievements. The second part focuses, however, on J. Ptaśnik’s studies into the townspeople of Krakow in the XIII–XVI centuries, analysing this work, among others, in terms of the durability of the settings he established. It refers extensively to the achievements of later historiographies of Krakow, developing aspects initiated at the beginning of the XX century by J. Ptaśnik, simultaneously providing a picture of the knowledge about the level of high society in the city of Krakow during the Middle Ages.
Marcin Starzyński
Studia Judaica, Issue 2 (42), 2018, pp. 433 - 438
Review: Dobrochna Gorlińska, Żydzi w administracji skarbowej polskich władców czasu rozbicia dzielnicowego, Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego „Societas Vistulana”, Kraków 2015, ss. 372.
Marcin Starzyński
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, Volume 15, 2017, pp. 9 - 23