Marcin Krassowski
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 1 (47) Zarządzanie w antropocenie, 2021, pp. 136 - 149 article deals with the issue of tension between management and unplanned consequences that result from it. By recalling the works of Anna Tsing, I indicate that management based on the modernist rationality led to the Anthropocene defined as the era of feral effects. The full agency of man, which is at the basis of modernist thinking about human-environment relations, is presented in the article as a myth. In fact, the actions leading to the Anthropocene were of the nature of not-quite-agency – their consequences were beyond the domain of human control. The article also deals with the issues of management in the Anthropocene itself, pointing out that global attempts to overcome the environmental crisis are also marked by not-quite-agency, which – in order to protect against possible negative side effects – requires inclusion in the design process by thinking about the internal resilience of the system.
* Badania nad europejskimi ekowioskami prowadzone dzięki wsparciu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach programu Diamentowy Grant. Nr projektu: DI2014002344.
Pozorny kryzys własności. Współdzielony rower miejski – koniec konsumpcji czy utopia współdzielenia?
Marcin Krassowski
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 4 (46), 2020, pp. 529 - 544 the following article, we explore interconnections between using bicycle sharing systems and the personal approach to ownership as well as to such practices as shared use and borrowing. Based on primary, qualitative research conducted in march 2020 we claim that public bicycles – despite their history rooted in ideas of common use – are perceived as one of many services available within the city. Users see them as useful in a particular situation but do not associate them with shared use or the common good. Therefore we claim that bike-sharing systems – despite optimism – cannot be classified as part of the sharing economy. Based on users opinions they should be classified as part of access based or collaborative consumption.