Magdalena Ślusarczyk – dr hab., socjolog i germanistka, profesor uczelni w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Zajmuje się zagadnieniami funkcjonowania i zmian w systemach edukacyjnych i procesami migracji, szczególnie w kontekście migracji rodzin. Badaczka i kierująca jednym z zadań w projekcie Transfam: Doing family in a Transnational Context. Demographic Choices, Welfare Adaptations, School Integration and Every-day Life of Polish Families Living in Polish-Norwegian Transnationality (2013–2016) realizowanego ze środkow Funduszy Norweskich, kierownik projektu Tracks: Transitions and Kindergarten (2017–2020) w ramach programu Erasmus+, kierownik polskiego zespołu w projekcie Strategies for achieving equity and inclusion in education, training and learning in democratic Europe (STRIDE, Horyzont). Należy do Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN i jest członkinią Rady ds. Polityki Rodzinnej i Demograficzne przy MRPiPS.
Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Issue 2 (192), 2024 (L), pp. 75-97 Ślusarczyk
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Issue 1 (191), 2024 (L), pp. 199-204 Ślusarczyk
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 4 (182), 2021 (XLVII), pp. 7-22 presented article focuses on two main objectives. On the one hand, it presents the complex and multifaceted issues of migrant children’s education from a theoretical perspective, which have a significant impact on the course of their integration process, their quality of life and their chances of a better future in the country of migration. We draw attention to the importance of migrant children from the perspective of a child-centred approach, which emphasises children’s agency and subjectivity, the importance of their voice, their experiences, as well as the mission of the school and the roles of the professionals (teachers, cultural mediators, social workers) working with them and influencing their integration success. We show the school as a space that is not only institutional, formal and oriented towards intercultural education, but also a relational space in which informal processes take place to shape the future of children, dependent on significant others but also on the educational system. On the other hand we refer mainly to the contribution of the research project Children Hybrid Identity (CHILD-UP) to formulate theoretical explanations about the visibility of migrant children, their agency in school, and to uncover empirical findings about their achievements, barriers, challenges. Although these are in various locations, in different schools and educational programmes, they nevertheless bring about changes in the structure of a class and the occurrence of important processes due to their ethnic and national, cultural, religious, and language context.
Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Issues in Social Work, Volume 19, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 75-89 to the most recent demographic data, Poland remains a country of net emigration, with population outflows significantly higher than the numbers for the incoming flows. A high ratio of 75% of the temporary migrants has remained abroad for 12 months and longer becoming residents of immigration countries. Intensive international movements of Poles lead to changes in social relations and in family functioning and often to it temporary or permanent restructuring. They generate the full range of problems which in many cases require not just the extemporary reactions of social care institutions but the design of entire social security system to help and support families and children themselves. This article is focused on two significant challenges. First one is the situation of children whose parents (one or both) migrate and which are colloquially and stigmatizingly called Euro-orphans. The second one – connected mostly with education system – is the help for children returning to Poland and to the Polish school after a period of staying abroad.
Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Issues in Social Work, Translations / Przekłady, 2014, pp. 103-117 to the most recent demographic data, Poland remains a country of net emigration, with population outflows significantly higher than the numbers for the incoming flows. A high ratio of 75% of the temporary migrants has remained abroad for 12 months and longer becoming residents of immigration countries. Intensive international movements of Poles lead to changes in social relations and in family functioning and often to it temporary or permanent restructuring. They generate the full range of problems which in many cases require not just the extemporary reactions of social care institutions but the design of entire social security system to help and support families and children themselves. This article is focused on two significant challenges. First one is the situation of children whose parents (one or both) migrate and which are colloquially and stigmatizingly called Euro-orphans. The second one – connected mostly with education system – is the help for children returning to Poland and to the Polish school after a period of staying abroad.
Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Issues in Social Work, Volume 22, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 125-141 Ślusarczyk
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 4 (174), 2019 (XLV), pp. 7-26 article is a review of research areas in the field of women’s migration studies with particular emphasis on the mobility of Polish women. We characterize the gradual paradigm shift, which has led to the observation of differences in the migration of women and men, and recognition that gender is a key variable necessary for analyzing and explaining them. Our goal is also to present the mobility of Polish women in a historical perspective, as well as to outline contemporary trends in Polish migration studies. We are looking for the strength and agency of migrant women, their determination to change lives not only for themselves but also for their families, and take into account
Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Issues in Social Work, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2018, pp. 349-360 do the sorrow and trauma begin? Are they interrelated? What are the causes of such feelings as powerlessness, hopelessness or injustice? Could the mental pain be so big that the man isn’t able to stand it? And last but not least – where the hope begin? And how? Th ese questions are the topic of this article. We try to shed light on the issue of trauma and mental (and sometimes also physical) injuries in context of social inqeualities, class and gender diff erences or social injustice and ask for the consequences. We discuss also the way of getting out of the trauma and look for the way how could man overcome the traumatic experiences and if the social work is able to help in this process?
Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 4 (182), 2021 (XLVII), pp. 139-157 aim of this article is to analyse how teachers experience, navigate and negotiate their daily work in Polish school with migrant children. We explore the title statement of one of the teachers we interviewed – we look at the teachers’ strategy of ‘doing everything with their own hands’. The data presented in the article comes from the quantitative and qualitative study conducted within the CHILD-UP project. The research was conducted in two different locations that allowed us to capture the diversity of migrant children in terms of their status and the specificity of working with them: in a large city in the south of Poland characterized by a significant influx of immigrants in recent years, and in the Lublin Province, where schools are attended mostly by refugee children from Centers for Foreigners. The article provides an analysis of teachers’ agency at three different interconnected levels: the macro level (public policies), the meso level (local community), and the micro level (specific schools and their community). We claim that teachers’ agency expressed by them in a constant search for new tools to support migrant children’s education and integration is shaped by complexities of social, economic and political factors produced by the school system in Poland.