dr, polonista, pracuje w Instytucie Dokumentacji i Studiów nad Literaturą Polską, oddziale Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza. Opracował wybór pism politycznych Jana Józefa Lipskiego. Ostatnio opublikował „Ferdydurke”. Biografia powieści (2010) i Edytorstwo. Jak wydawać współczesne teksty literackie (2011). Przygotowuje biografię Jana Józefa Lipskiego.
Łukasz Garbal
Konteksty Kultury, Volume 18 Issue 1, 2021, pp. 130 - 148 present article discusses issues connected with the process of editing autobiographical works. On the basis of selected examples (especially the editing of journals by Jan Józef Lipski and Jan Józef Szczepański), the author emphasizes how significant a role is played by editor’s notes and comments. It is pointed out that there are no clear criteria or commonly accepted practices in this field. The article constitutes a call for a methodological discussion. The invitation is not directed exclusively at editors. The debate is intended to span various specializations and help develop a code of commonly accepted practical editing solutions.
Łukasz Garbal
Wolność i Solidarność, nr 5, 2013, pp. 197 - 200
Łukasz Garbal
Wolność i Solidarność, nr 9, 2016, pp. 72 - 84 article is an attempt to determine the source of the facts relating to the strike in the Mechanical Works „Ursus” after the introduction of martial law in communist Poland and break the strike by force by the authorities and the fate of the leaders of the protest, with particular emphasis on advising the leaders of the strike long-term dissident, Jan Jozef Lipski. The author juxtaposes different relationships, and, critically reviewing them, trying to reach witnesses from different levels of decision-making.