Lena Magnone
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 4 (30), 2016, pp. 385 - 403
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843860PK.16.031.6492The paper shows the scientific and private life of Stefanie Bornstein, a forgotten Freudian of Polish descent, the author of, among others, a psychoanalytical study on the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty published in 1933 in “Imago”. It is a precursory text in regards to the approach proposed forty years later by Bruno Bettelheim in the famous monograph The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. The comparative analysis shows that Bornstein’s essay Das Märchen vom Dornröschen in psychoanalytischer Darstellung was for Bettelheim without a doubt, despite being only barely acknowledged, a source of inspiration; it also proves that the author, writing and publishing in the American reality of the 70s, in many regards “tamed” the much braver, from today standpoint almost feminist interpretation proposed by his predecessor.
Lena Magnone
Wielogłos, issue 2 (10) 2011: Krytyka feministyczna – dokonania i perspektywy, 2011, pp. 77 - 101
https://doi.org/10.4467/2084395XWI.12.021.0543The article proposes a comparative reading of two feminine novels: Dwa bieguny by Eliza Orzeszkowa, written in 1893, and The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton from 1920. In both novels one can see not only the surprising similarities at the level of plot, but also a strong presence of the author. Article points to the convergence in the biographies of the two novelists, and compares the situation of women writers in Poland and America at the turn of the nineteenth century.