Krzysztof Fronczyk
Developmental Psychology, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 21-45
Krzysztof Fronczyk
Developmental Psychology, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 57-71
The paper presents a study on lexical development of Polish children aged 2–6. Three tools were constructed for this purpose: “The Child Lexicon Development Questionnaire/Checklist”, “The Questionnaire: Communication and Family Routines“ and a personal questionnaire. All were filled in by children’s parents. The first tool comprised nouns, verbs and adjectives drawn in a layered drawing from the Frequency List of Polish Language Corpus (PWN, 2004). The next two consisted of questions related to interactions in the family, social environment and family SES. Data from 148 children were analyzed. Results revealed non-linear lexical growth with age, positive impact of diversified interactions with parents as well as of a number of different games/play situations with peers on children’s vocabulary. Interactions with parents mainly affected noun and adjective vocabulary, while the number of plays with peers affected verb vocabulary.